RootPerformance Consulting presents…
Get and keep your customers with better performing technology
Date/Time: Coming Soon
Location: TBD
Do you use technology in your business?
If you have any computers or smartphones you use for business, the answer is “yes”. If you have an internet connection for your business, the answer is “yes”. If you have a website, the answer is “yes”.
Technology is everywhere. And it’s great…until it’s not.
In this workshop, I will go into the technology systems that many business owners and managers utilize, from computers to websites, and the things in between, that help run businesses. You will learn what these are, how their performance can impact your business, and what you can do about it.
What you’ll learn…
- Why having poor performing technology will make you lose customers
- What you should focus on when looking at using technology in your business
- The benefits of continually testing your technology systems
- Tips, tricks, and tools to manage and improve the performance of your technology systems so you can keep current customers and get new ones

I’m Jean Tunis. I own a consulting company called RootPerformance Consulting, which helps businesses identify and avoid IT performance problems. I have been helping businesses improve customer satisfaction by ensuring their technology systems perform as expected for over 18 years. The last two of those years have been as an independent consultant.
Space is limited. Sign up today!
Even if you can’t make it, sign up anyway. The workshop will be recorded and available to watch when it’s ready.
But to get your specific questions answered, you need to be there in person.